UM Study Buddy

Insufficient study space at the UofM?  No more!


At edUMize, we pride ourselves on the ability to generate high-tech, low-cost solutions to pressing educational issues. One special concern that has been brought to our attention over the past few months has been that of insufficient study space on the University of Michigan campus.

In the year 2011, University of Michigan students require a variety of places to study & conduct academic work (computer, group study spaces, libraries). Aside from building more of these spaces, a costly & often times impossible task, we propose that students, university officials, and edUMize staff team up to utilize study space more efficiently.

The first step of utilizing existing study space is "education." Not "education" in the sense of coursework & exams, but rather the knowledge of what study spaces are available at any given time. To accomplish this task, edUMize has compiled a group of maps that serve as a checklist for students looking for study space.

The second component of UM Study Buddy, still in development, involves a web & mobile interface designed to provide students with up-to-the-minute information about the availability of study spaces on campus. Upon collaboration with the Univeristy of Michigan's administration, the UM Study Buddy app & website will allow students to reserve study spaces up to two months in advance.

    Contact edUMize

    Blog:  edUMize.
    Twitter:  edUMize.   UM Study Buddy.
    Email:   [email protected]\

    Currently, we are looking for        
    highly skilled computer                       programmers to augment     edUMize's already impressive list       of staff.